Business Pro Advice

Advice From Business Experts


Succeeding in Business and Professional Services

Businesses providing Business and Professional Services are vital parts of all industries. However, when the global financial crisis hit, many companies sold off non-core operations to cut costs. As a result, businesses were left with huge opportunities to grow substantially. To succeed in this industry, they must stay ahead of the curve, keep up with the latest technology, and translate this into value for customers. To succeed in this industry, a strategic leader is required who can motivate and inspire a global workforce towards a common goal.

The Business and Professional Services program prepares students for entry-level positions in the business, industrial, public, and not-for-profit sectors. It is comprised of a combination of key disciplines, including administration and management. This program allows students to earn two certifications: the Communication and Management Certificate, and the Applied Business Certificate. While a career in Business and Professional Services may not require a college degree, it will help them compete for higher salaries.

The Office of Supply Chain, Professional, and Education Services (OSCPBS) is a major source of information on international trade. They help U.S. professional services suppliers succeed internationally, while also advocating for the interests of U.S. education providers and businesses. Besides, the Office of Supply Chain provides insight into global trade and competitiveness. Further, ITA is a source of information for many companies and organizations. If you’re interested in expanding your business abroad, consider partnering with an office of Supply Chain, and Business and Professional Services will help you get there.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earned more than men in all three sectors of business and professional services. Women working in management of enterprises saw the largest increase in earnings – 28 percent. These companies and enterprises employ nearly 1.5 million people in Texas. Women also made an average of $4,598 per month in the management sector. In Texas, women who provided administrative and support services earned an average of $3,174 per month. In contrast, women employed in waste management and remediation services earned $5,338 a month.

Business and Professional Services firms are unique in their sensitivity to employee utilization rates. Low employee utilization may indicate inadequate resource management processes, or a lack of profit on certain projects. For example, a professional services firm offering legal and accounting services would place billable hours at the top of its priority list. These firms use a high proportion of their staff to complete work for customers, and must account for the time spent on such tasks. In turn, their clients pay a high fee for their services.

Despite the high level of uncertainty in the global economy, businesses in the business and professional services sector are increasingly flexible in hiring strategies. In addition to being more accessible to diverse candidates, businesses that embrace a flexible hiring philosophy are better positioned to respond to resourcing needs. One of the major adjustments in the hiring process is the emphasis on work-life balance. Those in the business and professional services sector must understand the evolving labor market in order to attract and retain the best people.


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