Business Pro Advice

Advice From Business Experts


How Sustainable Business Practices Can Increase Profitability

Sustainability is the need of the hour considering climate change and resource depletion. However, there is a common belief that giving priority to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues will result in decreased profits for companies; this is not true…

The Role of Augmented Reality in Marketing

AR success lies in understanding customer journeys and creating experiences that enhance lives. To do this effectively requires an inclusive team of specialists working on creating an AR marketing campaign with user needs in mind. AR marketing can create powerful…

Corporate Social Responsibility – Engaging With Communities and Causes

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to businesses’ commitment to supporting both their communities and society as a whole through various practices and efforts, such as philanthropy and community volunteering, environmental efforts, changing production or purchasing processes in order to reduce…

Brand Storytelling in the Age of Social Media

Brands competing to capture consumer attention on social media must use their narrative to elicit an emotional response in consumers – whether that’s joy, sorrow, fear or something in between – with powerful, well-crafted content that has an unmistakable emotional…

International Business Expansion and Global Market Entry

International expansion can be an exciting yet risky venture that requires meticulous planning and strategic management to ensure its success. Make sure your company is financially prepared for global market entry by creating financial projections based on expected sales and…

Mistakes to avoid when trading ETFs in MENA

Investing is a smart move that can help secure your financial future. However, understanding the different types of investments and knowing how to approach them can be tricky – especially when trading Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the Middle East…

Innovative Business Ideas For Startups

Coming up with innovative business ideas can be difficult for aspiring entrepreneurs. One approach is to look at current events and trends with a business mind in order to identify possible ideas. Example of Coronavirus Pandemic and Startup Ideas. Other…

Navigating Change: Building Resilience in Business

This article explores the critical role of resilience in helping businesses not only survive but thrive in an ever-changing landscape. In a world where uncertainty is constant, resilience becomes a strategic imperative. This article unfolds through seven outlines, each shedding…

Connecting Success: Mastering Effective Communication Strategies in Business

This article delves into the pivotal role that effective communication plays in the success of modern enterprises. In a dynamic business landscape, where interactions span global markets and diverse audiences, the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively is a fundamental…

Setting Goals for Customer Engagement

Establishing clear short and long-term customer engagement goals is integral to developing an effective strategy. To accomplish this task, identify key metrics to track and set milestones for your teams to accomplish. Customers now expect instantaneous response and a seamless…