Business Pro Advice

Advice From Business Experts

Henry Buxton

International Business Expansion and Global Market Entry

International expansion can be an exciting yet risky venture that requires meticulous planning and strategic management to ensure its success. Make sure your company is financially prepared for global market entry by creating financial projections based on expected sales and…

Innovative Business Ideas For Startups

Coming up with innovative business ideas can be difficult for aspiring entrepreneurs. One approach is to look at current events and trends with a business mind in order to identify possible ideas. Example of Coronavirus Pandemic and Startup Ideas. Other…

Setting Goals for Customer Engagement

Establishing clear short and long-term customer engagement goals is integral to developing an effective strategy. To accomplish this task, identify key metrics to track and set milestones for your teams to accomplish. Customers now expect instantaneous response and a seamless…

The Importance of Market Research for Startups

If you’ve woken up with a brilliant business idea, don’t jump straight to creating a website or launching your product. First, you’ll need to conduct thorough market research. This may not sound exciting, but it’s one of the top reasons…

Strategies for Boosting Sales in a Down Economy

The economy goes through cycles of growth and decline. When a company has a sales strategy that can help it thrive during economic downturns, its revenue stream is less likely to dry up. Strategies for boosting sales in a down…

How to Create Engaging and Impactful Content For Your Business Blog Or Soci

Creating engaging content for your business blog or soci can be tricky. It’s important to consider your audience and what they’re interested in. Engaging content can help grow your brand awareness by encouraging your audience to share it on social…

Tax Implications of Hiring Employees for Your Startup

Employees can cost your startup more than their base salaries and benefits; their presence can result in payroll taxes, equipment expenses, training expenses and loss of productivity. Based on your state’s law, it may also be necessary for employees to…

New Tax Laws in 2023 – What Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Twenty23 will bring with it many significant tax changes, primarily the result of annual inflation adjustments which may cause your tax bill to look different than before. Other changes come through legislation, like the FairTax Act of 2023 which would…

Adapting to a Post-Pandemic Business Landscape

Businesses can leverage technology to quickly improve operating and capital expense transparency, helping them survive and thrive in post-pandemic business landscapes. Companies can identify growth opportunities, revamp their business models and reallocate capital dynamically to take advantage of demand shifts…

Tax Tips For Home-Based Businesses

As a home-based entrepreneur, it’s crucial that you keep accurate records and understand which expenses qualify as deductions in order to minimize tax bills when tax time comes around. Doing this can significantly decrease your tax bill. Example: For space…