Business Pro Advice

Advice From Business Experts

Month: May 2021

What Is a Farm Business Tenancy?

The Farm Business Tenancy (FBT) is an agreement between an individual and a company that allows one party to lease another person’s land. These contracts are often entered into in the individual’s name, but the terms and conditions differ slightly….

Management Behaviours You Need to Avoid

Whether you’re managing a team or an organisation, there are certain management behaviours you should look for. If you don’t get the buy-in of your team, you’re likely to have a difficult time implementing your ideas and your business will…

The Advantages of a Salesforce Solution for Your Business

The Salesforce solution is one of the leading CRM platforms on the market today. With it, businesses can digitize their marketing activities, sales, and customer service. The company’s customer relationship management and marketing applications allow businesses to capture data and…